Special Persons are People, Too is a literary hub where everyone is welcome to interact with persons with congenital physical deformities or defects, give advice, offer opportunities, or just simply to give support and show they care.

Being provided a fantastic site you can call your own is simply irresistible.  Best of all, you can do whatever you want with it (for as long as you don’t go over the boundaries). It’s like winning the lottery;  a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you feel you have to really take care of and make the best of.

Thanks to the kindness of all the staff at wordpress.com and the community and other outfits that support them. Words can never suffice to show our gratefulness for these selfless people. Without them, Special Persons are People, Too could not have come into existence.

People like me-bloggers, authors/writers, companies, associations, and other organizations geared towards sharing and community interaction to foster goodwill among those who believe they can make a difference, now have a great avenue where they can impart insights and other important stuff to the world.  It’s simply awesome!

Here, we hope to discuss about, and share experiences of, people who have physical deformities- their adversities, exploits, and most of all, their TRIUMPHS over their misfortunes.

Also, we will be posting about Bacolod City as a gateway to extend a glimpse about where we hail from, and we hope to feature articles about individual persons, entire organizations, government agencies, and other professionals somehow akin to our city and our advocacy.

We’re a newbie in this endeavor, and whatever help we can get, we would appreciate it very much.  Kindly feel free to contact us for any suggestions, literary contributions, advice and other relevant things we need (like topics, articles, or links that can further help us improve).

Thank you.


    1. Hello there!It’s been quite a while, I’m sorry. I did not have the time to get back here and really make this work. I was thinking nobody would pay any attention as It seemed that time what the stats were showing were just out of respect from people i literally begged to check this out. Thank you, mam, you have given me so great a reason to continue with this advocacy. God bless you.


    1. I’m sorry; haven’t gotten back to you, it’s been a long time. anyway, thanks so much for taking the time to read some over here. I’m trying to ‘resurrect’ my space here. God bless!


  1. I got a chance to help with the Special Olympics one time. I will do it again any time I can. The biggest reason they are “Special” isn’t because they are physically or mentally disabled, but because they seem to know something we don’t, how to be happy. For the most part, they are just happy to be there, and happy to be them. It’s infectious.


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